Elderly Yakima woman's chances of winning Social Security Disability benefits improve because of her age.

Get All the Advantages of Your Age

You’ve worked hard all your life.

Now that you’re over 50, it’s much harder to find new work. But your health problems make it impossible to keep going in your job. What should you do?

Here’s at least one good thing about turning 50: Your chances of winning Social Security Disability benefits increase.

The attorneys at Bothwell & Hamill can use special regulations for people between the ages of 50 and 64 to help you win benefits.

We take great pride in helping people who’ve worked so hard for so long. If you’re over 50 and can’t work, we’d like to help you!

Let us go to work to get you benefits.

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Elderly Yakima couple happy that they qualify for Social Security Disability

What Changes for Me Over 50?

Your age makes a difference in a major question Social Security asks to decide if you’ll win benefits: Can you adjust to a new line of work?

When you’re under 50, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is more likely to say you could move to a different kind of job — and therefore you don’t need disability benefits.

When you’re over 50, the SSA considers it harder for you to switch jobs. And it gets easier for you to win benefits.

Bothwell & Hamill helps people apply and appeal to get disability benefits in Yakima, Kennewick, Sunnyside, Spokane, Richland, Ellensburg, Wenatchee, Walla Walla and across Central Washington.

You PAY NO ATTORNEY FEE until you win. And we don’t charge anything for you to talk to us about your case.

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Elderly Yakima couple wonders where they are on Social Security's age scale.

Where Am I on Social Security’s Age Scale?

Social Security puts you in these brackets:

  • Younger person, 18-49: To win disability benefits, you must prove you cannot perform ANY job your education and background qualify you for, not just that you can’t perform your last job.
  • Closely approaching advanced age, 50-54: This age, Social Security says, “significantly affects a person’s ability to adjust to other work.” You no longer have to prove that different kinds of work would be impossible.
  • Person of advanced age, 55 and up: At this age, the SSA disability rules get even more lenient when it comes to deciding whether you can adjust to a new job.

No matter your age, when health problems push you out of work and threaten your ability to support yourself, call Bothwell & Hamill.

Monthly checks from Social Security Disability can give you stability — and dignity — during a difficult time.

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You probably have a lot of questions. Bothwell & Hamill has answers.

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Yakima woman thankful that Tom Bothwell helped her win Social Security Disability benefits.

I tried to find some work for several months before coming to grips with the fact I just couldn't find work I could do. It has been very stressful. Tom (Bothwell) has been very caring and understanding.”


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