The Attorneys Of Bothwell Hammill & Sutton

Loss Of Earning Power (LEP) Benefits Under Washington L&I

If a job injury reduces your future earning potential, workers’ compensation benefits could help cover the gap.

Am I Eligible for Loss of Earning Power Benefits? Infographic

Sometimes when you return to work after an injury on the job, you can’t earn as much as you did before. Your doctor may say you need to stick to “light duty” work, or work for fewer hours. Your employer may move you to a position that pays less. When this happens, your workers’ compensation benefits can continue after you’re at work again—in the form of loss of earning power (LEP) benefits. See the requirements for getting LEP payments under the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) in this chart from the Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, workers’ comp lawyers. Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC. helps people secure workers’ comp in Yakima, Kennewick, Sunnyside, Spokane, Richland, Ellensburg, Wenatchee, Walla Walla and all across Central Washington.

When Your Job Injury Hurts Your Future Wages, Get Compensated

Getting injured or sick because of your job – and being unable to work as a result – is more than enough stress. Then, when you’re finally able to work again, what happens if you can’t make as much money as you did before?

You can receive compensation for your loss of earning power (LEP) under Washington state’s workers’ compensation laws.

Your earnings can go down after you return from a workplace injury for a few reasons:

  • Your doctor only clears you to work if it’s for fewer hours than before.
  • Your doctor only clears you for “light duty” work.
  • Your employer places you in a lower-paying position.

It’s hard to make ends meet if you’re no longer bringing home the same paycheck. Don’t let your workplace injury keep hurting you financially even after you’re back at work.

An experienced lawyer can get the maximum compensation available to you.

Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, helps hardworking people in Yakima, Kennewick, Sunnyside, Spokane, Richland, Ellensburg, Wenatchee, Walla Walla and across Central Washington get workers’ comp benefits, including for loss of earning power.

Do I Qualify For LEP Benefits?

According to the Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I), you may be eligible for loss of earning power benefits if:

  • Your earnings loss exceeds 5% of the wages you earned before you were injured.
  • Your doctor certifies that your loss of earning power is due to your work-related illness or injury.
  • And you actually return to work at the lower wage or amount of hours.

Additionally, you may be eligible for LEP benefits if you had two or more jobs at the time of your injury, but your doctor says you now can only hold one of those jobs.

At Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, we don’t charge anything for you to talk to us about your case so we can figure out what’s best for you.

Curious How We Got This Number?

This number is based on the max time loss rates chart and the loss of earning power guidelines from the L&I.

Take Advantage Of Free Consultations We Offer To Workers In Washington State

You already know it can be difficult to file for L&I benefits when you’re first injured or become ill because of your job. It can also be complicated to prove you qualify for LEP benefits. If you were hurt on the job and now make less money because of it, work with an attorney from Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC.

We help make sure the Department of Labor & Industries does not close your L&I claim and you get LEP benefits on top of your regular time-loss payments.

Start with this process today by scheduling your free consultation at 509-606-6917 or through this online form. Our team is fluent in English and Spanish.


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Am I Eligible?

Benefits Stopped?

Approved Doctors
“Objective Findings”
Loss of Earning
Power Benefits