Over 50 Years Of Combined Legal Experience In Washington

The Attorneys Of Bothwell Hammill & Sutton

What Evidence Do I Need?: Objective Findings In Washington L&I

How Do You Prove You Were Hurt On The Job?

If you got injured at work in Washington state, and now you can’t work, you know undeniably how much pain you’re feeling. But how do you prove that to others? Your benefits for medical costs and lost wages are at stake.

In deciding on your workers’ compensation claim, the Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) will look for what it calls “objective findings” in your medical record.

L&I defines objective findings this way: “Objective medical findings … can be seen, felt or measured by the examining provider. Subjective medical findings are those that cannot be seen, felt or measured …”

To make sure you get the medical treatment and gather the medical evidence you need, work with an experienced workers’ comp attorney, like Tim Hamill of Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC.

How Do You Get ‘Objective Findings’ In Workers’ Comp?

Objective findings include “observations made during medical evaluations that are not under the patient’s control, such as X-ray results, nerve conduction studies and MRIs,” according to the International Risk Management Institute.

An example of an objective finding could be the results of a pulmonary function test, where a health care provider measures a patient’s lung capacity after the patient worked at a cedar mill.

The patient’s own complaints about pain and difficulty breathing, unfortunately, aren’t enough.

But a test showing the patient has weak lungs provides the evidence needed to support a claim for workers’ comp — or industrial insurance, as it’s also called in the state of Washington.

At Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, it’s free to talk to us about the types of evidence you might have to prove your case.

Protecting Your Right To Benefits

The Washington State Legislature has repeatedly confirmed that the workers’ comp system should be liberally interpreted in favor of injured workers.

But too often, injured workers are denied benefits or get fewer benefits than they should.

State courts have ruled that you must show proof of your need for benefits. Generally, that’s when you need to provide “objective findings.”

It can make a big difference to have an attorney experienced in Washington’s workers’ comp system, to ensure that your medical care produces the records you need to qualify.

If you’re in Yakima, Kennewick, Sunnyside, Spokane, Richland, Ellensburg, Wenatchee, Walla Walla or anywhere across central Washington, Tim Hamill can help you get the maximum benefits you deserve.

Learn More About Washington Workers’ Comp

Get all the information you need to make the best decisions about your health — and your future.

Am I Eligible?

Benefits Stopped?

Approved Doctors
“Objective Findings”
Loss of Earning
Power Benefits