Does Back Pain Qualify For Disability In Washington?
Living with severe back pain can be excruciating.
Small chores become strenuous tasks. It’s hard enough getting the mail every day. You can’t imagine holding a full-time job.
Your bills, though, they keep coming. It’s tough paying for them when you can’t work. What if you have medical expenses on top of that?
It’s why you need Social Security Disability benefits. The monthly checks can be lifesaving for people in your position, helping you avoid financial pitfall.
Sadly, winning these benefits can be hard. Most applicants are denied on their first try.
An experienced, compassionate disability lawyer can help guide you through this complex process. At Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, our lawyers know the system, and we know how to give you the best shot at winning.
If you’re in Yakima, Kennewick or anywhere in the entire Tri-Cities area, give us a call today to get your case started.
Common Types Of Back Pain That Qualify For Disability In Washington
To win the benefits you need, you must clearly prove your disability.
It can be hard with back pain. The term itself is vague, and leaves a lot open for interpretation.
Social Security doesn’t keep a specific list of back ailments that can qualify you for benefits. But it does recognize the following:
- Herniated (slipped or prolapsed) disc
- Degenerative arthritis
- Degenerative disc disease
- Fractured vertebrae
And, even if your back problem isn’t on the list, you can still qualify. What you’ll have to prove:
- Your back pain makes working impossible.
- You can’t switch to a different line of work.
- Your health forces you to miss at least a year or more of work.
We know this can be a stressful time. We’re here to help.
Our staff can answer any questions you have, and even evaluate your case at no cost to you.
Don’t Give Up After A Denial
A denial can feel like the end.
After all you’ve been through, they reject you? You did everything they asked, and you’re still left without help.
You feel betrayed.
Take it from us: You can’t give up now.
Social Security operates under its own system, which can be downright baffling at times. It’s easy for a layman to trip up. The smallest of errors can bring a rejection, too.
Thankfully, the system also features a multi-step appeals process, with chances to win at each juncture. Your best chance to win comes at a hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ), which is your only chance to plead your case in person.
Remember how hard it is to win? The government’s own statistics show that you’re three times as likely to win at an appeals hearing if you hire representation.
So don’t take a chance on your future. You won’t pay us anything, either, unless we win benefits for you.
Get in touch today to start a new path forward.