The Attorneys Of Bothwell Hammill & Sutton

Yakima Lawyers Helping Washington Farmers And Agricultural Workers With Their L&I Claims

Washington farms grow over 300 different crops, from apples to cherries. In fact, our state is #1 in the country for producing pears, spearmint and other specialty crops. Farms in the state provide jobs to over 160,000 people, but farm work can be tough and dangerous.

At Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, we understand farm workers’ challenges. Our farmer’s workers’ compensation attorneys have over 80 years of combined experience helping folks like you with Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) claims when you’re hurt on the job in Central and Eastern Washington.

Are Farmers And Agricultural Workers Eligible For Workers’ Compensation In Washington?

Most farmers and farm workers in Washington state qualify for workers’ compensation. This means if you get hurt on the job, you can get help with medical bills and lost wages.

However, there are a few exceptions. You might not be covered if:

  • You bring your own workers or big machines that the farm owner has no control over
  • You run your own farming business independently

If you’re not exempt and not receiving proper benefits after an injury, it’s best to ask our workplace injury attorneys about agricultural L&I claims.

What Are Common Hazards In Agricultural Work?

Common agricultural hazards often lead to bone/muscle injuries and chemical exposures. Other hazards include:

  • Animal-related risks: Diseases from livestock or wildlife
  • Grain storage dangers: Suffocation or entrapment in bins and silos
  • Machinery accidents: Injuries from farm equipment
  • Heat-related illnesses: Risks from hot, humid conditions
  • Falls: Dangers from ladders or heights
  • Noise-induced hearing loss: Damage from loud machinery
  • Respiratory hazards: Lung issues from dust and particles
  • Vehicle accidents: Injuries from tractor rollovers

If you experience any of these hazards, our agricultural workers’ compensation lawyers can help you file a workers’ compensation claim.

How Often Do Fatal Farming Accidents Occur?

Fatal farming accidents happen more often than in most jobs. In recent years, about 19 out of every 100,000 full-time farm workers died from work-related accidents, compared to 4 deaths per 100,000 in other U.S. jobs.

If you’ve been injured in a farming accident or lost a loved one due to a fatal farming incident, schedule a free consultation with our experienced farmer’s workers’ compensation lawyers at 509-606-6917 or through this online form.

What Are Common Injuries Suffered In Farm Accidents?

Farm work is risky and can cause many injuries, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Deep cuts
  • Crush injuries from machinery
  • Back or neck pain
  • Head injuries
  • Lost limbs
  • Burns
  • Breathing problems

These injuries can be very serious. After a work injury on a farm, get medical help and talk to a farmers workers’ compensation lawyer about your rights.

Can Seasonal Farmworkers File An L&I Claim?

Yes, seasonal farmworkers can file an L&I claim in Washington State if they get hurt at work. All workers, including seasonal and undocumented farmworkers, are covered by workers’ compensation in Washington.

Agricultural Business In Central And Eastern Washington

Central and Eastern Washington are home to many businesses contributing to the region’s economy. Some notable agricultural companies in the area are:

  • Washington Fruit & Produce (Yakima)
  • Borton Fruit (Yakima)
  • Tree Top, Inc. (Selah)
  • Zirkle Fruit (Selah)
  • Gebbers Farms (Brewster)
  • McDougall and Sons (Wenatchee)
  • Two Rivers Terminal (Pasco)

These companies, along with numerous other farms and agricultural businesses, form the backbone of the local economy. If you’re injured while working for any agricultural employer in this region, our farmer’s workers’ compensation lawyers are here to help.

Free Consultations For Injured Farm Workers In Washington State

Injured while working on a farm in Yakima, Kennewick or Sunnyside? Set up a free consultation with our Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, farmer’s workers’ compensation attorneys about getting the compensation you deserve.

Call us at 509-606-6917 or complete this online form to get started. We speak English and Spanish.

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