The Attorneys Of Bothwell Hammill & Sutton

Yakima Workers’ Compensation Attorneys For Immigrants And Undocumented Workers

About 15 out of every 100 residents in the state of Washington are foreign-born. This statistic highlights how big of a presence immigrants have in our state, including those who are undocumented.

At Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, we believe all workers deserve fair treatment and protection under the law, no matter where they were born. With over 80 years of combined legal experience, we are here to help all workers with workers’ compensation claims, including immigrants and undocumented workers. Your case matters to us. Contact us for a free consultation.

Are Immigrants And Undocumented Workers Eligible For L&I Claims In Washington?

Yes, immigrants and undocumented workers are eligible for Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) claims in Washington. You can file a claim and receive medical treatment and lost wage benefits even if your immigration status is uncertain. It’s important to report your work injury as soon as possible to avoid missing out on your rights and benefits.

Will Reporting A Work Injury Affect Your Immigration Status?

Reporting a work injury should not affect your immigration status. Washington state law protects all workers, regardless of immigration status. L&I does not ask about or report immigration status when processing claims.

Federal law also prohibits employers from retaliating against workers who file L&I claims. Your personal information is kept confidential by L&I. Don’t let fear prevent you from getting the help you need after a work injury.

What Can You Do If Your Employer Threatens To Deport You If You File A Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Your employer cannot legally retaliate against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim. If your employer threatens to deport you for filing a workers’ compensation claim, report the threat to L&I or contact workers’ compensation attorneys for undocumented workers. You may be eligible for additional compensation if your employer retaliates.

Are Translation Services Available?

Yes, Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, offers services in both English and Spanish. Our bilingual staff can help you with every step of your workers’ compensation claim in Spanish. We’ll explain your rights and the claim details in the language you’re comfortable with – whether that’s English or Spanish.

Schedule A Free Consultation With Bothwell Hamill & Sutton, PLLC, Today

We speak your language and have a team of skilled workers’ compensation attorneys who help undocumented workers. Don’t let threats, fear of deportation or concerns about your immigration status stop you from getting the benefits you deserve.

Our straightforward and client-focused approach ensures your privacy and protects your rights throughout the legal process.

Whether in Yakima, Kennewick, Sunnyside or elsewhere in Central and Eastern Washington, we can guide you through the workers’ compensation process. Call 509-606-6917 or complete this online form to set up a free consultation. Don’t delay – reach out for help today.

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Am I Eligible?

Benefits Stopped?

Approved Doctors
“Objective Findings”
Loss of Earning
Power Benefits